National Societies & Volunteering Awards 2022



This event included over 8 different societies, bringing them together in over 13 events over 3 weeks, all run by the society committees. A huge undertaking for the students involved! The judges loved that this was a fun event that was truly collaborative, and the committees also managed to raise some funds for charity. They felt that this would create a legacy and would continue long into the future. 

A new society created to tackle a horrendous and important issue facing students all over the UK. This society ran a campaign, working with over 100 other societies and sports clubs, and with local city venues. 

They have created lasting change for the students in their university, but also across the city they live within. A great example of how students are benefitting wider society. The judges wanted to recognise them to demonstrate how students leave a lasting, positive impact. 

This project are completely student led, providing support, friendship and an inclusive approach. After two years of Covid-19, this project has come back with strength, with nearly 100% of participants re-joining. The student volunteers attend SU nights out and are on hand to support participants so they can have fun and retain their independence. 
The judges loved this project as it’s something that other SUs could replicate, which would have a huge impact on people with disabilities being able to participate in SU life. 

The winning society impressed the judges with the range of different developmental activities they organise for their members. They focus on what their members care about but give them high quality employability workshops, skills development sessions and in much of this they work with specialists in their field and academics. They mix academic practice with extra curricular activities and local conservation projects.

The first event of its kind for this university, and one that brought together a huge range of student groups. This event had hundreds of attendees and despite Covid-19 concerns, managed to organise a hugely successful occasion. The judges loved the team’s focus on impact and feedback, and how they didn’t just look at number of attendees, but how the event made attendees feel.

A person who leads by example to run projects that not only benefits students, but also working with local primary and high schools too. Their efforts have meant that hundreds across the country have been inspired to do something similar. Their project won an NSVA last year and since then they’ve developed a model to roll out establishment of new groups in many other universities. They’ve also created a new charity to keep this work going. 

The judges felt that this person was innovative, had a huge impact, and sounds like a wonderful role model for student leaders. 

This society organised an event specifically looking at women’s participation in their activity - they had partnerships with huge international brands and over 16 speakers. This society are so dedicated to inclusivity and the judges were particularly impressed that they managed to create a scholarship for Women through their activities.

This person has organised numerous events bringing together students with and without disabilities. They started a network of disabled students, and always ensures events are safe and accessible. All of this whilst only being in their role for a few months and whilst studying for a PhD. 

The judges were amazed by how much one individual has done for their fellow students, whilst also facing their own personal difficulties and being very busy.

Runners Up